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The content presented on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or give rise to a lawyer-client relationship. If you need assistance with your matter, please contact us or speak with a qualified professional to ensure proper advice is given within the context of your particular circumstances before relying on the information provided herein as policies and regulations are frequently amended. We deny any liability arising from reliance upon the information contained herein. Formal legal advice is provided by our office once a consultation is scheduled. A lawyer-client relationship commences once a retainer agreement has been signed.   




Johnson Law acknowledges the importance of privacy and as such, maintaining high standards of confidentiality with respect to personal information in our possession is paramount. All information submitted to our office is protected by lawyer-client privilege and is only used with respects to garnering information required to determine immigration options and make decisions, as necessary.   

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The logo of the Law Society of Ontario is a trademark owned by the Law Society of Ontario

Copyright 2021, Johnson Law, All Rights Reserved

Mailing Address:

45 Four Winds Drive, Unit Z
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 1K7


Consultations are by appointment only. 

Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm



Tel: 416-892-6851

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